Balconies and Patios
chevron_rightAre grills allowed on patios or balconies?
No charcoal or other open flame grills are permitted on the property. Small, tabletop gas burners with a capacity of about 1 pound of propane are allowable on the balconies of Portner's House only. No propane grills may be used in the Brewery.
Board of Directors
chevron_rightWhen are the board meetings?
The Portner's Landing Board of Directors typically meets five times a year (once each quarter plus the Annual Meeting typically in November). The meeting dates are posted online and on the bulletin board in the front lobby. The meetings take place at 7:00 p.m. in the Community Room (at the far end of the 1st floor hallway in Portner House). Announcements of meeting changes are made via email and by postings on the bulletin boards.
chevron_rightWho can attend board meetings?
All owners and residents are welcome to attend the general meetings. The Annual Meeting of the Association is restricted to homeowners.
Community Room
chevron_rightWhere is the community room?
The community room is located at the end of the first floor hallway of Portner House (621 St. Asaph Street). Brewery residents can access Portner House through the garage by using the entrance on the north end, near the larger garage door. You will need to use a garage door key to access Portner House.
chevron_rightHow can I reserve the community room for a meeting or function?
The community room is a shared facility with the Townes (the townhomes next to us). Reservations are on a first-come, first-served basis and can be made online by clicking here. The room may be used for personal or non-profit use; business use is prohibited.
Condo Fees
chevron_rightHow do I pay my condo fees?
You can pay your monthly condo fees by multiple ways:
Pay by Check or via your bank's online banking application by sending payments to:
Portner's Landing
c/o Gates Hudson Community Management
P.0. Box 105007
Atlanta GA 30348-5007
Set up Direct Debit
You can enroll your bank account for direct debit via monthly transfers through the ACH network. To do so, complete the ACH Payment Authorization Form and submit to our Property Manager.
Pay by Credit Card
You will need to know your account number to pay online. Fees may apply.
Should you have any payment questions, please call Gates Hudson at (703) 752-8300, ext 721 and ask to speak with a Property Accountant.
chevron_rightAm I allowed to wash or repair my car in the garage?
Vehicle washing is not permitted.
Vehicle repair is prohibited except for emergencies.
chevron_rightHow do I change the batteries in my garage remote?
Instructions for changing the batteries in the Linear remotes used for the garage door are available here.
chevron_rightWhere Should My Visitors or Contractor(s) Park?
Please be aware there is no official guest or contractor parking available at Portner's Landing. Also be informed that the four outdoor parking spaces on Tivoli Passage are PRIVATELY owned and not to be used even temporarily. Street parking is usually available particularly along N. Pitt where it is unmetered.
If you have a City parking sticker, you can park your car on the street and allow your visitor to park in your space. Or you can obtain from the City daily guest parking permits that are valid for 24 hours or visitor permits that are valid for 30 days (for more info click here) .
chevron_rightWhere can I get a garage door remote?
You should have received garage door remotes from the former owner of your unit. If you need a replacement opener, please use the "Make a Request" feature by clicking here. If you are unable to use the Make A Request feature, please direct your request by email to PropertyManager@portnerslanding.com. There is a $53 replacement fee - checks should be made payable to "Portner's Landing". NOTE: if you are a renter, this request must come from the unit owner because the remotes convey with the unit.
chevron_rightWhat if I lost my mailbox key?
The mailboxes in the entrance way to Portner House are managed directly by the United States Postal Service. Contact the USPS facility at 2226 Duke Street, tel. 703-684-6759.
Moving In or Out
chevron_rightWhat Are the Move In/Out Guidelines?
Moving In
Before moving into Portner's Landing, please follow instructions on the " New Residents" page. This will guide you through the process and provide additional information on Getting Settled. If you are moving into Portner House, you will need to reserve the elevator.
Please remember to break down all boxes and any box that is too large to fit into a recycling toter, must be completely broken down and placed in the corner in the Trash Room of Portner House.
Moving Out
Prior to moving out, please notify Gates Hudson Community Management via email at @ PropertyManager@portnerslanding.com. If you are moving out of Portner House, reserve the elevator in advance of your move. Upon reserving the elevator, you will receive instructions for obtaining the elevator pads, the elevator key and other move in/out guidelines.
chevron_rightWhere Can My Moving Van Park?
Parking on site is very limited. If you live in Portner House, your moving van can park TEMPORARILY on Tivoli Passage between the garage door and Wythe St. If you live in the Brewery, you can reserve street parking for a move by contacting the City of Alexandria at least 3 days in advance of your move. To learn more click here. Do not park any vehicles in the four private spaces along Tivoli Passage -- these spaces are privately owned and violators are subject to towing.
New Residents
chevron_rightI'm new to Portner's Landing. What information do I need as a new owner/resident?
Please review our page for "New Residents" by clicking here. You'll be asked to register and once your registration is approved, you'll have access to the Getting Settled page which provides lots of information about moving into Portner's Landing.
chevron_rightDo I need to schedule my move with anyone?
Yes, if you move in or out of Portner's Landing you need to notify our Property Manager in advance by email via PropertyManager@portnerslanding.com . If you move in or out of Portner House, you will need to reserve the elevator at least 24 hours in advance. You can reserve online as long as you are a registered user on the website:
If you have any questions or difficulty using the online reservation feature, contact our Property Manager by email at via PropertyManager@portnerslanding.com .
Please note, you must move in through the garage when moving into Portner House. No moves may take place through the front lobby. When you reserve the elevator, you will receive the move in/out guidelines by email.
chevron_rightHow do I reserve the elevator in Portner House?
The Portner House elevator is available on a first-come, first-served basis and reservations can be made online by clicking here (you need to be a registered user on the website -- if you need to register, click here).
Upon reserving the elevator, you will receive instructions for obtaining the elevator pads, the elevator key and other move in/out guidelines.
chevron_rightIs there a community email list?
Yes, the board of directors sends out periodic updates with items of importance to owners and residents. By registering on this site, you will be added automatically to future email announcements.
The website directory is our primary source for all resident email addresses -- please be sure your email address is up-to-date!
chevron_rightHow can I get involved in the Portner's Landing community?
First, register on this site (under "Member Directory") so you receive community emails. Then, plan to attend the next board meeting. You’ll have a chance to meet the Board, the management representative and some neighbors. Plus you’ll have the chance to volunteer for standing and ad-hoc committees.
chevron_rightHow Does the Handicap Elevator Work?
The handicap elevator located in the Portner House lobby is intended for those who have difficulty with the steps. In order to access the elevator you will need the handicap elevator key which is stored in the lockbox (combo to lockbox on ground floor is "1234" and combo for alpha dial lock on the first floor is "S P I"). BE SURE TO RETURN THE KEY TO THE LOCKBOX.
To use the elevator follow these steps:
- Obtain key from one of the lockboxes.
- Look through window to determine if lift is in place. If it is, open door and enter cab. If not, insert key into lock on door frame and turn to "on" then push button to move the lift into place. Make sure the lift is in the correct place before attempting to open the door.
- Enter cab and insert key into lock on control mechanism.
- Move the lift up or down as needed.
- Remove key from lock then exit through the door.
- Replace key to lockbox.
NOTE: if you have a need to use the elevator frequently, you may obtain a key from the Board. Keys cost $10 each.
chevron_rightWhat is the pet policy?
One orderly domestic pet (e.g. dog, cat or caged bird) is permitted per Unit, subject to any applicable Rules and Regulations adopted by the Board of Directors.
Pets are not permitted in the planted areas around the buildings. Pets are not permitted on the common elements unless accompanied by a responsible person and unless leashed or carried. Pets that cause or create a nuisance or unreasonable disturbance or noise may be required to be permanently removed from the Condominium.
Each pet owner is required to clean up any and all pet excrement and is responsible for all damage caused by his/her pet.
Renting Your Unit
chevron_rightWhat do I need to do if I rent my unit?
- Provide your tenant(s) with a copy of the Owners and Residents Manual (the "rules manual") which is available on the Documents page.
- Direct your tenant(s) to register for the website via the "New Residents".
- Ensure your tenant is fully informed about the trash policy. Moving boxes must be broken down and placed in the appropriate location. NO FURNITURE OR OTHER LARGE ITEMS ARE TO BE PLACED IN THE TRASH.
- Tenants moving into Portner House MUST reserve the elevator before moving into the building.
chevron_rightWhat is a resident supposed to do if the fire alarm goes off?
In the event that the common area fire alarms sound, a notification is automatically sent to the Alexandria fire department. All residents should quickly evacuate the building, using the stairways, not the elevators, and when possible bring pets with them. The fire department is responsible for alerting all residents (ringing door bells and knocking on doors). Portner's Landing residents are not responsible for doing so.
chevron_rightWhat should I do if I smell gas in the building?
In the event of a suspected gas leak, err on the side of caution and immediately call 911 or the Washington Gas Company's emergency number (703-750-1400 or 800-752-7520). Similar to a fire alarm, quickly evacuate the building, using the stairways, not the elevators, and when possible bring pets with you. Natural gas is non-toxic, colorless, odorless and combustible. For safety, an odorant called Mercaptan is added to the gas which gives it an unpleasant odor so escaping natural gas is easier to detect. If the odor is very strong or you hear a blowing or hissing noise, VACATE THE BUILDING IMMEDIATELY. Do nothing that could create an ignition source. Do not light a match or use any type of phone or battery-powered equipment. Do not turn electrical equipment or light switches on or off. Do not start your car or any type of motorized equipment.
Selling Your Unit
chevron_rightAre Realtor Signs Allowed at the Brewery?
If you are selling your unit it is ok to place a sign immediately in front of your unit, however, be extremely careful when placing the sign to avoid damaging the underground irrigation system and other utilities. You will be responsible for any damage caused by the placement of a sign. Large "post" signs are not allowed due to the damage they cause.
chevron_rightWhat do I need to do when selling my unit?
If you decide to sell your unit, as soon as possible notify Management by sending an email to resale@ghacm.com and cc the Board at info@portnerslanding.com. This will initiate the resale process. This process includes an inspection of your unit. In addition a Resale Package will need to be requested via Homewise (see other FAQ in this section for more details).
chevron_rightHow do I get a resale package?
You will be asked to create a username and password and select your association. Order the "VA Resale Disclosure Bundle". Standard orders are electronic soft copies and cost $225 and take 14 calendar days to process. Rush orders are available for an additional $50 dollars and come back in 5 business days. A hard copy is an additional $35 and can be overnighted to the address you provide. If you require any assistance with the HomeWise website please use their Online Chat or call 866-925-5004 and dial 8 for their Help Desk. The Resale procedure also involves a property inspection by a Gates Hudson representative.
****Please note if your account is on direct debit you will need to email your property accountant to stop the automatic deduction of your assessment.
Trash Removal
chevron_rightWhat are the trash policies?
Portner House has a trash room with a chute located on each floor as well as recycling bins in the trash room in the Garage. The Brewery has toters in the Garage (when trash toters in the Brewery are full, please use the dumpster in the Trash Room).
All trash should be placed in closed bags before being deposited in the trash chute in Portner House or toters in the Brewery.
Mixed use recycling (bottles, plastic, paper and cardboard) should be placed in the recycling toters. Any cardboard box that does not fit into the toter, should be broken down and placed in the corner of the Trash Room.
YOU ARE RESPONSIBLE FOR PROPER DISPOSAL OF LARGE ITEMS (mattresses, sofas, book cases, etc.). Any item that is too large to fit into the trash bin must be disposed of properly by contacting a removal company. Any violations are subject to a violation fee and the cost of removal. For large items left next to the dumpster, an additional fee shall be charged for each day the items reside there.
- Nova Junk Removal @ 571-210-2879 and www.novajunk.com
- 1-800-GOT-JUNK @ www.1800gotjunk.com
- Slam Dunk Junk @ 571-723-4369 and www.slamdunkjunkremoval.com
If you notice any violations of these rules, please try to ascertain the owner of the items if possible (from a label on a box, for example) and submit a written complaint to the Management Company.
chevron_rightHow Do I Dispose of Large/Bulk Items?
YOU ARE RESPONSIBLE FOR PROPER DISPOSAL OF LARGE ITEMS (mattresses, sofas, book cases, etc.). Any item that is too large to fit into the trash bin must be disposed of properly by contacting a removal company. Below are suggested companies to contact.
- Nova Junk Removal @ 571-210-2879 and www.novajunk.com
- 1-800-GOT-JUNK @ www.1800gotjunk.com
- Slam Dunk Junk @ 571-723-4369 and www.slamdunkjunkremoval.com
Any violations of the Trash Policy are subject to a violation fee and the cost of removal. For large items left next to the dumpster, an additional fee shall be charged for each day the items reside there.
chevron_rightWhat Do I Do with Hazardous Materials & Electronics
The City of Alexandria has a refuse collection sit on Colvin Street that accepts a variety of hazardous materials and electronics. Detailed information, including hours and items accepted, is available at:
chevron_rightHow do I dispose of my Christmas tree?
Christmas trees may be placed outside to the right of the garage entrance (between the garage door and Wythe St) for pick up. Placing them in tree bags will reduce debris. DO NOT PUT TREES IN THE TRASH ROOM.
Our garbage company will pick up Christmas Trees until mid-month in January, but after that it is up to the resident to find an alternative disposal option (see FAQ re disposing of large, bulky items).